Sydney has some of the oldest architecture in the country. Homes vary from small cottages to terrace houses and maisonettes reflecting the Victorian and Federation periods.

If you are a resident of this part of Australia, it’s likely your bathroom needs a makeover. Often, it’s due to age corrosion or to erase the works of a determined DIY’er who had no clue what they were doing.

But, a question might be bugging you. Knowing the average costs of bathroom renovations in Sydney, can you achieve a good bathroom makeover in Sydney on a tight budget? Yes, you can!

Read on, to get insider tips on putting a lid on your bathroom makeover costs. We provide great ideas on how you can achieve a professional remodel while still working within your budget.

Old and dirty bathroom that needs some renovation.

Tip 1: Keep Layout Changes Minimal

It’s true, your bathroom needed a makeover yesterday. But, do you need to change everything in the room?

The resounding “yes” to this question is blowing your expense out. Remember, you are on a tight budget and the more you modify, the dearer it’ll be.

Here’s what you need to know. Any changes that involve moving existing electrical, plumbing or work that requires demolition and rebuilding walls will cost you more.

Such works involve specially trained and licensed tradesmen which increases the total cost.

To reduce your final bill, keep the layout as-is and make purely cosmetic changes such as new vanity, shower, fittings, fixtures and new tiling.

An uninstalled faucet on a bathroom sink.

Tip 2: Avoid DIY (It’ll Save You in the Long Run)

We have seen it time and time again. A “handyman” husband has taken it upon himself to transform the bathroom as his DIY project.

After many months of tinkering here and there he has unfortunately done more damage than good and eventually has reached for the phone to call in the professionals. Or the disappointed wife calls us.

Either way, if you don’t have the experience or training in bathroom renovations, taking on such a project can often be very time-wasting.

You can also end up spending more in the long run as the professionals have to undo the wrong steps you did.

For instance not waterproofing a bathroom and then using it for months afterwards can have devastating effects on the homes surrounding floorboards and even foundations.

A man and a woman doing wood carpentry wearing complete safety gear.

Tip 3: Choose A Professional Bathroom Renovator

Following on from Tip 2 leads us to the next step. Choosing the right partner to complete your bathroom renovation. Shop around but also don’t just go for the cheapest option.

We know that you are on a budget here but for a complete bathroom renovation, you should have at least $15,000 in your budget. If you choose a company that promises the world for less be very cautious.

So-called “professionals” will be happy to take your money and do a slightly better than a DIY job only to leave you with problems in the not-too-distant future.

By that time they have long disappeared and you are left doing the whole thing again, effectively doubling or tripling your expenditure.

Make sure you meet with your shortlisted companies and ensure they can do what you require. If you have no designs to work off they will need to have a bathroom designer in their team too.

This is exactly what NuDesign does. We take care of everything from bathroom design to complete renovation.

Two workers reviewing the construction permit.

Tip 4: Choose Your Fittings, Fixtures & Bathware Wisely

You may be shocked to realise the vast variance in the price of different taps, fittings and fixtures in the bathroom.

Sometimes a more attractive item, such as chrome tapware, can be cheaper than a similar “white” product. Shop around to find bargains.

You may even choose a second-hand item such as a bath that has barely any signs of use for a fraction of the cost of a new one.

If you are unsure about where to find these products consult with your bathroom renovator and their design team.

You can always avoid unnecessary headaches and expenses by getting the friendly opinion of a professional.

For instance, ask about the best type of paint to use for your washroom. Ask whether you’ll need an S or P trap toilet.

And if replacing a bathtub, a professional is better suited to advise whether to go for a centre waste or an end waste tub.

To conclude, plan your bathroom makeover carefully. The tips above will give your home a fresh new look and will save you money in the long run.

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